Every driver knows the importance of auto insurance. However, not everyone is aware of the different types of auto insurance available. Coverage options such as liability, collision, and comprehensive can help cover the often-significant costs of claims if an accident should occur while driving. The right auto insurance can also help protect you, your passengers […]
Read MoreWhat Does Construction Insurance Cover?
Construction sites are plagued with dangers that can result in serious injury and extensive property damage. From hazardous materials to falls from heights, contractors must use extreme caution to keep themselves and those around them safe. However, even the best-run construction site is not immune to threats. That is why most contractors carry construction insurance. […]
Read MoreWhat Does School Accident Insurance Cover?
It is the responsibility of school administrators to help keep children safe while in their care. However, accidents can and do occur, which can put a school at risk for costly lawsuits. School accident insurance is designed to protect schools from potential lawsuits and liabilities, while still providing volunteers and students the medical care they […]
Read MoreWho Needs Workers Compensation Insurance?
Employee injuries and illnesses can occur quickly and without notice. If the incident is serious enough to result in weeks or even months off of work, employees have the right to request workers compensation payments. Workers compensation insurance, or workers comp for short, is a form of insurance that provides employees with wage replacement and […]
Read MoreWhat Is Workers Compensation Insurance?
From slip, falls and muscle strains to lacerations and collisions, accidents occur in the workplace every day. When injuries are severe, an employee may be forced to remain out of work for a prolonged period of time. This can result in lost income and climbing medical bills. Workers compensation insurance is designed to give employees […]
Read MoreWhat Does Car Wash Insurance Cover?
If you are the owner or operator of a car wash looking for protection for your business, know that there is broad coverage designed exclusively for you. Car wash insurance consists of several essential insurance plans that aim to safeguard against a variety of potential liabilities. While a car wash may seem like a fairly […]
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